Read the step by step below, or check out the video on Instagram.
Hey! Thanks for purchasing Clawndoms. Your cat will definitely be less grateful than we are, but your furniture, arms, and the dog will all be celebrating. So now that you've procrastinated this for three weeks, let's get started.
Unless you have a super cooperative kitty, we recommend a Devil's Threesome for this trick.
1. Make sure your kitty's claws are clean and trimmed. Use pet nail clippers to reduce the odds of hurting your cat. Need some help trimming claws? That's too bad. We've got nothin'.
2. If you fuck up step one and your kitty's claws bleed, please don't apply Clawndoms. But definitely do keep an eye on the injury and seek a vet's help if necessary. You monster.
Don't forget the lube
1. If this is your first time, snip the tip of the adhesive tube and attach the applicator.
2. Fill a Clawndom evenly with adhesive to approximately 1/3 full.
3. If glue leaks out when you apply the Clawndom, adjust the amount you add to the next one.
The main event
1. Gently press your kitty's paw pads to expose the claws.
2. Make sure the claws are clear of fur and of your fingers.
3. Apply the Clawndom to the claw.
4. Pace yourself, you've gotta do it all again.
Pillow talk
1. Keep an eye on kitty after application. He may hate you, or try to take off the Clawndoms. Maybe offer some treats or nip. No, the cat didn't pay us, why do you ask?
2. If your cat is really distressed by the Clawndoms, then they may not be the right option for you. To take them off, trim the tip (be careful not to cut into the quick) and gently apply pressure to the base of the Clawndoms. Still struggling? You can use cuticle scissors to break the seal by cutting at the Clawndom- not trying to put the scissors between the cap and nail.