/We’re seeing all the #hotgirlsummer things being put out into the universe, and of course the hilarious spinoffs. So, cat ladies, unite! It’s time to make #catgirlsummer rise like the cream that it is!
SHOW US YOUR PUSSIES! (the cats, it’s always the cats, please no graphic photos, Jesus, who do you think we are?!) Tag @clawndoms and #catgirlsummer. What are you and your cats doing this summer?
if you’re somewhere in the Brood X area of the world…I bet you’ll have lots of cicada presents. Are you near a beach? Does your cat love/hate the sand? Does your cat love/hate the water? Does your cat love/hate the adorable beach outfit you purrchased (aah, it’s so satisfying to pun…) for it? #catgirlsummer.
Let’s have the best summer ever making each other laugh, and who knows, maybe we’ll throw in some free gear to the cats that make us pee our pants and/or snort loud enough for the neighbors to hear.